Ilonka Wloch
"One of the most important questions we humans have to answer (according to Albert Einstein) is whether this universe is a friendly place. I believe that it is. Here at Positive News we provide the evidence."
Ilonka, originally from Poland, is an activist for social awakening.
Assistant Editor
Katherine Russell
Design Director
Katherine Shearman
Outreach Director
Heather Crawford
"Being part of making positive change in the world is what makes me feel alive, so I fell into Positive News quite naturally after meeting Ilonka several years ago. I get around by bicycle and work at various schools around the county, so I started distributing the paper wherever I rode, and leaving them in school staff rooms, open to the 'Youth' page. I also write articles from time to time, my favorite topic being gender equality and peace-building. More recently, I have started working on subscription management, and the online database. Working with Positive News is some of the most meaningful work I do in my life, as media has the ability to help shape reality!"
Heather comes from Jamaica.
Heather comes from Jamaica.
Digital Specialist
Amrita Laura DuBois
Many years ago during an anti war protest, I realized that I was not helping the situation by projecting my anger and despair out into the world. I decided to put my energy into creating the world I want to live in, rather than protesting the world I don't like. Positive News is an example of this. It is an honor to be able to help out this beautiful project. I currently live in Kauai where I am am involved in co-creating sustainable community through cultivating organic vegetables, Tulsi tea and plant medicines.