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11-year-old friends who just finished lifeguard course rescue 2 swimmers at local beach
Winning Barcelona boys tenderly comfort the crying Japanese team during a youth tournament
Teen builds bridge so kids can safely get to school
When a cheerleader with Down Syndrome was bullied, players walked off the court
Teens today are actually great
First-grader starts a 'buddy bench' epidemic
Wi-Fi banned in French nursery schools
Every 4th grader to get free 1-year pass to national parks
Boy creates animal shelter in his garage
Girl, 13, hunts with eagles
Don’t clip your daughters’ wings … let them be free
Teens are less likely to drink or use drugs than ever
All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten
Peace rose
Trash music that inspires
Israeli soldiers, while on patrol, dance with Palestinian youths
A bunch of young activists in Colorado have the big power company run for cover
The dangerous things you should let your kid do
Kids pedal their own bus to school
Asking young people what they think
Principal fires security guards to hire art teachers
The Red Brigade empowers young women in India
Determined teen invents advanced cancer test
Matching kids with adults who live their dream
Teens invent a pee-powered generator
What makes you smile?
Slavery’s youngest opponent is winning
25 amazing facts about Finland’s unorthodox education system
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