Wherever you live—in a monastery, in a city, or on a quiet tree-lined street—you will always experience problems and difficulties from time to time. This is just the nature of life.
So when you have problems with your health you shouldn’t say, “Doctor, there is something wrong with me—I’m sick”; rather, you should say, “There is something right with me—I’m sick today.”
It’s the nature of the human body to be sick now and again. It’s also the nature of the septic system to need pumping out when you don’t expect it, and it’s the nature of the water heater to sometimes break down. It’s the nature of life to be this way.
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We envision a world in which peopletreat each other with respect andkindness, where we consider theEarth to be our home to care forand to enjoy. And we see that thisworld is in the process of emerging.Positive News is a reflection ofthis widespread movement andtells its powerful stories.