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Mother offers to help teen involved with son's killing in an emotional courtroom appearance
A message of tolerance and welcome is spreading from yard to yard
Some police turn in their badges at Standing Rock
Peace is Possible
: an interview with ex-guerrillera and ex-paramilitar—best friends
Peace process in Colombia saves 5,000 from death or injury
German couple pay Greece $954 "war reparations"
Norway's Muslims form protective human ring around synagogue
Costa Rican lawyer crusades for the right to peace
Campaign launches to end war everywhere
Stumbling stones honor Holocaust victims
Released from Irish Jail, 79-year-old peace activist vows to keep protesting
A vote of confidence for African women
Israel Loves Iran - one family's quest
All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten
Peace Rose
The greatest Christmas truce
People pushed back on Syria—and won
The solution to any problem is always in front of you
War has not existed for the majority of human history - research finds
Israeli soldiers, while on patrol, dance with Palestinian youths
Connect with your family across the table and the political divide
Jews and Muslims saving lives together
First global arms treaty approved by the UN
Guns swapped for ‘weapons for life’ in Uruguay
Peace Artist
The World Is More Peaceful:
The State of the World Atlas
reports where the world is heading in the right direction
Homeless man who wouldn't shoot
Gang truce in El Salvador could signal lasting peace
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People Power
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