Solidarity Not Fear: World Social Forum opens in Tunisia
Under the slogan "Together to pursue the revolution of rights and dignity," over 4,000 organizations from 120 countries attended the 14th World Social Forum, which took place from March 24 to 28. The groups ranged a wide breadth of nations and causes, from the global peasant movement La Via Campesina, to the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women, and the international feminist-action movement World March of Women.
Climate justice and global feminism were key themes this year—including a track organized by Tunisian feminists to address the social and economic conditions driving gender inequality on a global level. Participants held workshops, discussions, cultural events and public actions on topics including the global anti-austerity fight, war and militarism issues and the Black Lives Matter movement. "There are so many different organizations and people here coming together to show solidarity," said Khantouche, who is attending the Forum as a delegate with the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance.
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